Assign a risk limit to a subscription
As an investor, you can limit potential losses from your copy-trading and MAM subscriptions by assigning a risk limit to each of your subscriptions.
Main menuThe risk limit is the maximum loss amount that your investment account can bear from an individual subscription. If the assigned risk limit is exceeded, the subscription will be automatically terminated.
Assign a risk limit to a subscription:
1. For copy-trading subscriptions, go to Copy Trading > My Accounts.
For MAM subscriptions, go to MAM > My Accounts.
2. Select the investment account.
3. To go to the account details, click the account login displayed at the top of the accourd card.
4. On the Account Details page, go to Subscriptions.
5. Select the subscription.
6. In the subscription row, click the ellipsis button, and then select Edit Values in the dropdown.
7. In the Current PnL/Loss Limit column, enter the maximum loss amount.
Note: Risk limits for subscriptions are always denoted in the currency in which the subscribed investment account is denominated.
A risk limit can be specified as a positive or negative value (such as 200 or -200). In either case, it represents a loss on the investment account.
8. Click the tick icon to apply the changes.
If the loss on the investment account caused by the subscription exceeds the assigned risk limit amount, all the open positions copied to your investment account from this subscription are closed, and you are charged the fees listed in the fee plan. After that, your investment account is unsubscribed from the master account.